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Structure & Sanity


My god, what even IS structure? Is this it? I have no idea, but apparently I needed more of it. So I fleshed out a fancier version of this page, and turned it in so I could get the greenlight on writing again. Professor seemed satisfied with it, so I think THIS is structure.

And of course, I DID need it (or a better version of it at least). I wouldn't have been able to keep writing without it, not in the longer term. Would've fizzled. I hate when things I don't want to do and the things that are best for me to do.

For example, creating this website. I need to do it and it's good for me to do. However, yesterday I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out if the shade of black I'm using is TOO black compared to the black of this other black I was using in my header. Do you get why that would make me want to lose my mind? I feel like you probably get it.

The other challenge of the website (other than shades of Black, apparently) is the spatial lay out. All I know for spatial design is to center it, but that makes for a very boring website. Things always seem off balance when I try to get fancier than centering everything. I'm working on it though.

I also don't understand how Wix works. Either the platform is confusing to use, or I'm just bad at using it. It's the backgrounds mainly. How do make a singular, consistent background? That's where the different shade of black became and issue. I DID figure out how to make these journal entries though, and how to imbed my book so that people can actually flip pages to read it. I need to make it pretty still, but we're on our way.

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