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Firefly for Christmas


I've literally been consuming science fiction since before I was born. When I say literally, I mean it in the English teach kind of way. My parents watched Star Wars: Attack of the Clones while my mom was in labor and waiting to go to the hospital. My father ensured that our childhood media included science fiction staples like Star Wars, The Matrix movies, and Firefly (still my annual Christmas binge watch, never fails to get me in a festive mood. I can't explain why.). As soon as I was old enough to control the remote myself, Star Trek took over my life. I have watched (and rewatched) every Star Trek series ever released. It keeps me sane and makes me happy. I am very, very familiar with the genre of Science Fiction.

So, it was quite frustrating when I started writing this book and realized I had to actually THINK about what made Science Fiction = Science Fiction. I felt like I should just intrinsically know what was essential and what distinguished the genre from other forms of fiction. Unfortunately, I didn't and had to do some research while writing my proposal.

I found these videos to be life changing and I narrowed in to three essential factors of Science Fiction:



  • Ethical Dilemma

  • Personal, Moral Dilemmas

  • Rules of the World have to make sense and have to diverge from reality by playing with technology, science, time, and/or space.

There's so much more, but these three pillars guided my writing.

At this point, I also came to terms with the fact that I would have to create a website. I was not looking forward to it. You want me to decorate a room? I got you. Prep a house for a party? Not only do I have décor, I can watch the punch bowl to the color scheme. However, I really, really, really do not like 2D design. I hate making graphics, designing invites, and do not draw anything beyond a doodle. A website is my nightmare, and I'm terrified that regardless of how much time and effort I put in it will still look clumsy, childish, and unprofessional. I don't want my novel to get stuck in a crappy website. Nevertheless, I'll deliver.

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